Monday, April 03, 2006

Henry rules!

Henry is now exactly 5 weeks and 3 days old. He has started really looking at things and noticing the world around him. He likes to do several things: eat, sleep, grunt, stretch, poop (tons in one day, none the next) and pee in the bath. He is losing his hair a bit and kind of looks like a little old man. Yesterday was his first trip to Barton Springs. He didn't swim, but enjoyed looking up at the giant oak trees. This weekend, he hung out with Aunt Lori and Uncle Jeremiah:

And, he met his great-grandmom, Mamie Hunter: She was so sweet with him. She sung him some old nursery rhymes that she used to sing to me when I was little. It was pretty special. Even though she doesn't have her mind about her these days, she was thrilled by little Henry and couldn't get enough of him. Henry also visited his grandparent's house at Suncity and went on a short hike on some land near there:

Henry chills out with his dad:

Henry meets Maggie:

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