Thursday, December 18, 2008

Preparing for Santa

Henry has been getting ready for Christmas. He's been decorating ginger bread cookies, putting ornaments on the tree, and singing lots of Christmas songs. At the store the other day, there was a picture of Santa on a sale sign. Henry said, "mommy, is that man coming to town?" Yes, I replied, yes! Henry wants a drum set from Santa and is very good at pin-pointing exactly which drums are in any song that comes on. "Here's where they play the high-hat mommy." "I want to listen to that tom-tom song." "Now there are no drums... but, now there are three drums." I have to say, it's pretty impressive.

Here are some pics from the last few weeks. There are a few shots of him putting together a snow ball in the back yard with the dusting of snow we had last week.

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