We did it! Our baby made it to toddler-hood! Henry celebrated an enormous milestone this week as he turned one year old. The import of this event was, of course, completely lost on him, but we all enjoyed celebrating nonetheless. We had a big party over at Grandmom and Granddad Pickle's house, and Henry received a tricycle, car, play table, and a bunch of fantastic t-shirts. He also covered himself in cake and drove himself into a near-psychotic state with the sugar contained therein. He needs to experiment a little more with sugar to find his limit. As you can imagine, he was an absolute pleasure once he started coming down from the sugar high.
Thanks to everyone who helped with or attended the party, and to everyone who has given us support over the last year. We love you all and couldn't have done it without you.
Also below, see a few pics of the Barack Obama rally, dinner with the Koranskys, and our trip to see the (almost) imploded Intel building. (Awesome job, City of Austin!)


Grandmom Looks on

Henry really lost it when we tried to take away the cake...Ok, a few more bites.

Washing away the sins of the day…