We had a really fun weekend. It was Ben's 30th b-day so we went out a lot and Henry enjoyed every minute of it. He had a great night out at Freddie's with our friends and then had his first fancy restaurant experience. He was very good! Plus, a trip to barton springs and his first hike. He loved the hike. He was all smiles looking up at the trees, etc.
Henry was 12 weeks old this past Friday. I'm not sure when you're supposed to stop counting in weeks and start counting in months. Regardless, it's true what they all say about the 3 month mark being a big turning point. Suddenly this little tiny baby who just seems to kind of be there starts becoming totally interactive and so much fun. Henry is smiling all the time. He's got to be in the running for the best baby ever awards because he hardly ever cries and is pretty much always happy. He's totally flexible and can still touch his feet to his cheeks. He's getting more and more hair and his skin is so soft you could sell admission just to touch it! His big blue eyes are tracking things now and he seems to really be watching everything going on around him. He's started to notice the pets too which is pretty funny. He'll watch them walk around with kind of a "what the hell is that?" kind of look on his face. But, his favorite thing (other than playing with his parents, grandparents, and Aunt Lori) is watching the fan. He seems so fascinated by it. I think he worships the fan. If he's kind of cranky or something, I can just sit him down under the fan and his eyes get all big and he starts smiling. So funny! It's crazy how he's just part of the family now. You always think that when you have your first child that suddenly there's this "other person" around all the time, but it's not like that at all. He's one of us and we're one of him and it's just so natural.. like he was always here. It's so much fun. These are the best days of our lives.
Eli Martin Rider turned 1 this weekend. The party was awesome. He is totally walking now.
Henry met his great great Aunt on Mother's Day.
And, spent some quality napping time with Rose.
Eli and his Dad went swimming. David graduates from medical school in only a couple of weeks! Henry joined in the swimming too, but was not as sure of the water..
This weekend we celebrted my mom' s 60th birthday in Georgetown
We took a really long walk in downtown...
Henry practiced the piano... he's getting better every day.
He went to a Hawaiian wedding shower for our friend Robin who's getting married in a few weeks And, Henry's Aunt Lori moved back to town. He's pretty excited to have more attention.